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Asthma Guidelines

Deutsche Atenwegsliga e.V.

The Deutsche Atemwegsliga helps patients to learn more about respiratory and lung diseases. It supports the relationship between the patient and his doctor.


Asthma information page of the Deutsche Atemwegsliga (German Respiratory League) with reference to guidelines, brochures and information videos


Checklists for the correct inhalation technique of the Dt. Atemwegsliga e.V.


Checklists for the correct inhalation technique of the Dt. Atemwegsliga e.V.


National Health Care Guideline Asthma
AWMF (Association of the Scientific Medical Societies)

The AWMF guideline is a national guideline published jointly by the German Medical Association (BÄK), the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), and the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF).

National Health Care Guideline Asthma Overview


Patient Guideline “Patient Guideline for the National Health Care Guideline Asthma”:


GINA Guideline

The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) is an international network of individuals, organizations, and public health representatives with the goal of disseminating information about asthma care and providing a mechanism for translating scientific evidence into improved asthma care.


COPD Guidelines

Deutsche Atenwegsliga

The Deutsche Atemwegsliga helps patients to learn more about respiratory and lung diseases. It supports the relationship between the patient and their doctor.



COPD information page of the German Respiratory League with reference to guidelines, brochures and information videos


Checklists for the correct inhalation technique from the Dt. Atemwegsliga e.V.


National Health Care Guideline COPD


GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease)

The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) works with health care professionals and public health officials around the world to raise awareness of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and improve knowledge and treatment of this lung disease. Evidence-based COPD management strategy documents and events are designed to improve the lives of people with COPD around the world.
